Unbelievable Details About Babies Born With Two Heads

Although the unusual situations detected during pregnancy and the unbelievable cases seen in newborn babies are quite a lot, the two-headed baby born in the Bengal region of India is almost surpassing what you have seen and heard so far.

The two-headed baby, which could not be detected during pregnancy and surprisingly came to light at birth, surprised scientists and It has left unforgettable traces in the history of mankind.

Now this Let’s examine the details of the extraordinary case and let’s see how this happened.

The development of two heads in one body is medically called Craniopagus parasite.

This situation is about Occurs 2-3 times per 5 million birthsA parasitic twin is a very rare type of parasitic twin and can be expressed as the perfect development of one of the parasitic twins, which begins to develop as an embryo, and the extremely insufficient growth of the other.

The embryo initially develops as a twin but cannot be separated completely and one of the twins remains undeveloped and is attached to the developed. Parasitic conjoined twins are often stillborn or do not survive after birth. The only applicable treatment is the surgical separation of the twins, but this type of surgery is very risky.

One of the most striking examples at this point belongs to a baby born in Bengal, India in May 1783.

two headed baby

The midwife who allegedly helped deliver the baby was so horrified by the appearance of the baby that she held the two-headed child in her hands but could not understand how it happened. attempts to kill. Fortunately, the baby survived, albeit with burns to his ears and one eye.

His parents are also shocked at first, but the family later sees this baby as an opportunity to earn money and takes him to Kolkata, India for display. Mom and dad reach their goal and The baby gets a lot of attention. The family also earns a considerable amount of money.

Parents often keep their babies stuffy for hours around a sheet to prevent the crowd from seeing their baby without paying during performances. Subsequently, as the baby’s fame spread across India, various noblemen, civil servants, and city officials to get a closer look at the baby. invites you to their home.

With the phrase “two-headed baby”, some people imagine two heads jutting out from one neck, but in this case the baby’s second head grows on top of the other.

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In this structure, another head develops on the head attached to the body in an inverted manner and the second head grows above the other. Of course, such a situation also creates some anomalies. The ears of the second head are deaf, and the tongue and lower jaw are also quite small. However, both heads are the same size and the junction area is covered with black hairs.

In addition, the second head operates largely independently of the main head. For example, when the child cries or smiles, the upper part of the head is not always affected and emotional differences are observed. While the child is sleeping, the second head is sometimes awake and his eyes move as if watching the environment.

In addition to all these, it is determined that the second head gives various reactions to external stimuli.

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The second head grimaces at times, When it is given to the breast, the lips try to perform the sucking movement. It also produces copious amounts of saliva and tears. However, their corneal reflexes are weak and their eyes respond poorly to light. Despite this incredible development, the baby did not experience any other health problems.

But when the boy is 4 years old, he dies from a cobra bite when his mother leaves him alone. Next many anatomists offer to buy the body But his family won’t allow it. The boy is buried near the Boopnorain River, but his grave is retained by an agent, Mr. Dent.

This agent dissects the decomposed body and discovers that the brains are separate and different from one another.

Skull of a two-headed baby

Each brain is tightly covered by the dura mater, the thickest and outermost layer of the meninges that surrounds the brain tissue and spinal cord. provides great vessels that conduct the upper part of the head.

The boy’s skull is now in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. to be displayed publicly continues.

In addition to this unusual situation in India, there are also various Craniopagus parasite specimens in different parts of the world.

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In 2004, Rebeca Martinez died in the Dominican Republic with this rare condition, but she had surgery and died of blood loss when she was about eight weeks old. In 2005, Manar Maged also suffered from this ailment and He passed away due to infection after a 13-hour operation in Egypt.

Finally, in 2021, which is more recent Two-headed baby born in Bucharest, Romania Sadly, he died a few hours after birth.


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