UK Jail Order for Million Dollar Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Robbery

A UK court has sentenced four people to a total of 15 years in prison for stealing millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies from an Australian cryptocurrency exchange.

According to the decision announced by the UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Stephen Boys, Kelly Caton, Jordan Kane Robinson and James Austin-Beddoes 26 million worth a dollar bitcoin including from embezzling cryptocurrencies and from money laundering found guilty in total 15 years was sentenced to prison.

According to the documents provided, the defendants October 2017 and January 2018 They continued their activities in a house in Blackpool, England for three months. The main brain of the operation and the owner of the respective house James Parker’s 2021 of the year January per month died detected.

In published documents, caton and Robinson’s assets acquisition operations In the Boys’ while conducting money laundering It was determined that he was working with a British citizen living in the United Arab Emirates for Boys, Robinson and Caton while being sent to jail of Beddoes imprisonment postponed.

Prosecutor’s Office, the seized assets has been returned The work carried out to seize the remaining assets continues unabated stated.

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