Twitter is testing the Podcast feature!

social media giant twitteris a platform where users share their thoughts by tweeting. That’s why thoughts come to the fore more on the platform. But what is meant to be told cannot be conveyed to tweets exactly. Twitter is also adding many new features where thoughts can be expressed by voice. Soon clubhouse like space Adding the feature, the company will now increase interaction on Twitter. podcast testing the feature.

In fact, the new feature was signaled with a post from the Spaces official Twitter account last month. It was announced that chat rooms and broadcasts would be edited and recorded later, and then they could see who entered. under testing podcast which gives leak news for social media platforms with the shares it makes on Twitter. Alessandro Paluzzi announced. So how will this feature be used and where will it be located? Let’s take a look together.

Twitter video quality goes up to 1080P: On one condition!

Twitter has started working on increasing the video quality to 1080P. However, not everyone will be able to use the new feature.

Twitter Podcast feature

mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi to Twitter with a tweet podcastAnnounced the arrival of the ‘s tab. Not many details are known for this feature yet. Additionally, Twitter will rival Spotify with its Podcasts feature. Because podcast recordings are the most Spotify tracked in the app.

Social media platforms renew themselves with the features they take from each other and create a competitive environment with others. This feature of Twitter, which is in the testing phase, will provide great convenience to its users as well as competition. Because many accounts announce their podcast broadcast on Spotify from their personal Twitter account. It is unclear for now when the feature will fully arrive.

What do you readers think of the Twitter Podcast feature? Would you consider using it? You can comment or express your thoughts on the SDN Forum.

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