Turkish states will send a joint satellite into space!

Turkish Space Agency organized the 3rd Meeting of TDT Space Agencies within the scope of Space Technology Conference. Following this meeting, important statements were made. Among these statements, a joint satellite project between Turkish states was also included. Here are the details…

Mirvokhid Azimov, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Turkish States (TDT), attended the meeting and gave information about the work carried out in the field of space and satellite. Stating that they had a productive and successful meeting, Azimov stated that agreements were made on some issues related to space exploration.

Azimov made evaluations about repeating the Space Camp Turkey event, which was held in Bursa last year and received great acclaim. Stating that such organizations make significant contributions to the knowledge of young people, Azimov also emphasized that these events provide the opportunity to bring young people together by strengthening solidarity and belief in a common future.

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Azimov shared an important development within the scope of the “Cube Satellite Project” launched by the Organization of Turkish States last year. He stated that an agreement was reached to form an engineer team to develop a joint satellite on behalf of the Turkish states. This team, which will be formed by sending engineers from each country, will work in a research center in Kazakhstan. The Organization of Turkish States aims to launch a cube satellite with this team of engineers.

Azimov’s relevant statement is as follows;

“We are now discussing the results of the activity of this group. At the meeting, we agreed to form a special team of engineers to work on the joint satellite on behalf of the Turkish states. This team will continue its activities at the research center in Kazakhstan. Our member states will send their engineers to Kazakhstan to begin their research. Our ultimate goal is to launch a cubesat on behalf of TDT. “Our aim with this is to investigate the environmental conditions in our member states and to implement some studies.”

Azimov emphasized that cooperation on space research should be increased between universities and research centers within the framework of the Organization of Turkish States (TDT). He made the following statement regarding this:

“Türkiye makes a great contribution to the development of space cooperation within our organization. We were proud that Turkey recently sent its first astronaut into space. Now they will send the Turksat 6A satellite into orbit, and this will of course benefit the country a lot. Turkey’s experience in the space field will be very useful for our other Turkish states. Türkiye is ready to share its experience and knowledge.”

So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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