Turkey Population Announced [Güncel]

Turkey’s population as of 31 December 2022 has been announced. Turkey’s population, as of now, was recorded as 85 million 279 thousand 553. Istanbul continues to be the most crowded city with its population exceeding 15 million.

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Address Based Population Registration System (ADNKS) announced 2022 data. In other words, the population of Turkey as of 31 December 2022 has been determined. According to official statements, the population of Turkey increased by 599 thousand 280 people on an annual basis and 85 million 279 thousand 553 reached the person. The male population was recorded as 42 million 704 thousand 112 and the female population as 42 million 575 thousand 441.

Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkish Statistical Institute) number of foreigners also announced. Accordingly, the number of foreign population residing in Turkey increased by 31 thousand 800 people as of 31 December 2022 and was recorded as 1 million 823 thousand 836.

Turkey’s population growth rate is declining

Data shared by TUIK, in Turkey population growth rate shows a significant decline. Because the population growth rate, which was 12.7 per thousand on 31 December 2021, will increase as of 31 December 2022. 7.1 per thousand was recorded as.

Migration from villages to cities continues unabated

According to 2021 data, 93.2% of Turkey’s population was living in provinces and districts. This situation increased in 2022. Now, 93.4% of us live in a province or district. Thus, the proportion of our people living in towns and villages 6.6 percent was recorded as.

18.65 percent of Turkey’s population lives in Istanbul

Istanbul population 2023

According to the shared data, the city with the highest population in Turkey, Istanbul. The city, which hosts 15 million 907 thousand 951 people, to 18.65 percent is hosting. Meanwhile; Let us state that 7 million 955 thousand 820 of the population is male and 7 million 952 thousand 131 is female.

Most populated cities in Turkey:

  • Istanbul: 15,907,951
  • Ankara: 5,782,285
  • Izmir: 4.462.056
  • Bursa: 3,194,720
  • Antalya: 2,688.004

The least populated city: Bayburt

least populated city

TURKSTAT, the city with the lowest population in Turkey Bayburt declared that. Bayburt, which hosts a total of 84 thousand 241 people, 42 thousand 851 men and 41 thousand 390 women, is home to only 0.1 percent of Turkey.

Cities with the least population in Turkey:

  • Bayburt: 84,241
  • Tunceli: 84,366
  • Ardahan: 72,481
  • Gumushane: 144,544
  • Kilis: 147,919

Turkey continues to ‘age’

Turkey is getting old

The median age in Turkey rose to 33.5 in 2022. This figure was recorded as 33.1 last year. The median age of Turkey was recorded as 28.8 in 2007. In other words, Turkey is getting older!

Meanwhile; It should be noted that the province with the highest median age in Turkey is Sinop with 42.4. So our most “oldest” city Sinop. Our youngest province is the median age of 20.8. Sanliurfa.

68.1% of Turkey’s population is of working age

Turkey working age population

According to the data of TUIK, a significant part of the population in our country, such as 68.1% 15-64 years old they are in working age where citizens are accepted. The proportion of citizens aged 65 and over, that is, who have reached retirement age, is 9.9 percent has been recorded as.

Age dependency ratio is falling

Age dependency is declining in Turkey

It shows the children and the elderly that individuals of working age are obliged to look after.age dependency ratioThe age dependency ratio, which was 47.4 percent in 2021, decreased to 46.8 percent in 2022. However, there is something we should underline here. Since 2018, there has been a consistent decline in the proportion of dependent children. in parallel, working citizens should look after proportion of the elderly is increasing more and more.

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