Berlin The free citizen tests, which expire in March, will initially continue until the end of May. The finance and health ministries have agreed on this, as the Handelsblatt learned from government circles. Spokesmen for the two departments confirmed the information.
The current Corona Test Ordinance, which also includes the citizen tests, expires on March 31st. They would continue to be paid, it is said. A corresponding regulation is being prepared, which should apply until the end of May. In view of the recent increase in the number of infections, the federal government wants to extend the deadline.
Criticism from the Union
The opposition warns of an end to the citizen tests. “The federal government is acting inconsistently,” said the Union’s health policy spokesman, Tino Sorge (CDU), the Handelsblatt. “It doesn’t go together to constantly warn of a worsening of the situation and a summer wave, but at the same time to let the tests expire.”