A Species That May Be An Ancestor of Animals Like Cows Has Been Discovered

Researchers; He discovered a species called Militocodon lydae, which may be the ancestor of creatures such as cows, pigs and deer. These tiny mammals are thought to have lived 65 million years ago.

Scientists have made an important discovery about the history of modern ungulates. A newly discovered species that is quite small in size, today’s ancestor of creatures such as cows, deer and pigs It was stated that it could happen.

Study shows what appeared on the planet after the extinction of dinosaurs on the topic of mammals sheds light. It should be noted that the findings were recently published in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution.

This species, named Militocodon lydae, had a maximum weight of 455 grams and appeared after the dinosaurs disappeared.

The new species discoveredMilitocodon lydaewas named. These creatures, which are thought to be the ancestors of many present-day species, around the rats While it is stated that it has dimensions, its weight is 45up to 5 gramsIt was reported that r could come out. You can see a depiction of this creature above.

Militocodon lydae was identified thanks to the skull and jaw bones discovered in a fossil site called Coral Bluffs in the US state of Colorado. Researchers, the species Around 65 million years ago He thinks he is alive. In other words, they appeared shortly after the dinosaurs disappeared.

The newly discovered species is one of the first mammal species to appear after the extinction of the dinosaurs.PeriptychidaeIt has the potential to shed light on the mysteries of the ” family. Experts state that it may represent an important step in unraveling the evolutionary history of these mammals, adding that they examined it with techniques such as advanced scanning techniques, dental comparisons with other species and 3D reconstruction. In studies, it is not grinding the animal’s teeth, but functions such as cutting and crushing It was seen that he used it for . This is a sign that the species may be the ancestor of species such as cows, pigs and deer.


What was the average age of dinosaurs that ruled the Earth for tens of millions of years? There are even people who are 100 years old!

There is still not much found about Militocodon lydae. More discovery and study is still needed to understand whether the animal is really the species we think it is. With new discoveries, we may learn more about early mammals.

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