Trader Earned $6.7 Million in Only 3 Hours with the Newly Launched Altcoin

A cryptocurrency investor earned approximately $7 million thanks to a new altcoin that entered the market.

According to the post of Blockchain analysis platform Lookonchain, a trader said, SatoshiVM (SAVM) as soon as it enters the market He used Banana Gun to get it and 141.66 Ethereum (ETH) made a payment worth

SatoshiVM is a ZK Rollup solution developed for Bitcoin that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Bitcoin is used for gas fees in the project.

According to Lookonchain’s post, the trader at the first opportunity 277.66 ETH ($681 thousand 224) by paying 2.61 million SAVM tokens he bought.

Then the trader started selling, $4.38 million in return 2.16 million SAVMs sold. Still spread across four different wallets 450 thousand SAVMs The total gain of the investor who is approximately $6.7 million It was announced that.

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