Tomato Vegetables Grow More Efficiently in the City

With the new research they published, scientists revealed that some vegetables grow more efficiently in an urban environment than in rural areas. These vegetables included tomatoes and potatoes.

As our world continues to host more and more buildings every day, this is the case across the globe. decrease in agricultural lands. it causes. A very interesting research was shared today, while the yield of agricultural lands, which are already shrinking due to the effect of global climate change, is also decreasing.

According to new research published in the journal Earth’s Future crops such as cucumbers, potatoes, and lettuceWhen grown in an urban environment, they yield much more than in fields. Moreover, this difference is not a little ice. The productivity of the products grown in the city environment and in the field can differ up to 4 times.

So where do you get the most efficiency in an urban environment?

Examining more than 200 studies covering 53 countries and more than 2,000 data points, the scientists were unable to provide an answer as to where it would be best to grow crops in the city. But some products especially in areas suitable for certain conditions shared that it offers much better efficiency.

An example of this was about juicy vegetables like tomatoes and leafy vegetables. Crops such as succulents and leafy vegetables use water instead of soil, scientists say. in hydroponic environments proved to offer higher efficiency. It was stated that foods such as lettuce, cabbage and broccoli are more suitable to be grown vertically.

Although it has been revealed that growing some vegetables in an urban environment offers higher productivity, one more question mark has not yet been answered. Scientists have compared urban farming to rural farming. how economical it is did not provide an answer.

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