The Ministry of Industry and Technology has announced that the Togg T10X has been given a TYPE Approval Certificate. The certificate issued by the Turkish Standards Institute means that the domestic car has proven itself.
Ministry of Industry and Technology, the first delivery was made yesterday. Togg T10X made a remarkable statement regarding In the statement shared on the ministry’s website, Togg T10X TYPE Approval Certificate was stated to have been given. In other words, the domestic car was put through a series of tests before the first delivery and successfully completed these tests.
Turkish Standardization Institute (TSE), was the authority that tested the Togg T10X. The institution also acted as an observer in tests conducted abroad. In this context; such as the reliability of the vehicle, its battery, its maneuvers, its ability to provide pedestrian safety. in many fields tests were done. Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank said, “For T10X,Togg is more than a car, it will compete with its rivals in the market very easily. No noise, environmentally friendly, powerful, very comfortable, but also technological.‘ he said.
Here are 41 tests on the Togg T10X:
- Noise emitted by the vehicle
- Electric vehicle noise test
- Range test
- Rear protection test against driving under the vehicle from behind
- Vehicle entry tests
- Tests on door locks
- horn noise test
- Field of view test of rear view mirrors
- Brake tests
- Brake Assist Systems tests
- ESC (Electronic Stability System) tests
- Tests of the emergency lane keeping system
- Electromagnetic Compatibility tests
- Tests to control the safety of interior equipment against driver and passenger
- Tests on unauthorized tampering measures
- Control of external protrusions
- Vehicle entry and maneuvering test
- Checking the speedometer
- Seats and seat belt pull tests
- Testing of seat belt and ISOFIX anchorage systems, child seat anchorage systems
- Controls for installing lighting devices
- Tests on the towing equipment of the vehicle
- field of view control
- Color and shape control of warnings and symbols in the vehicle driver instrument panel
- Testing of windshield defroster systems
- Testing the windshield washer system
- Test of the heating system
- Mass and size measurements
- Controls for installing windows
- Checks for fitting tires
- Tests of the tire pressure monitoring system
- Forward crash tests
- Side impact tests
- Pedestrian protection tests
- Controls related to recyclability
- Tests on the electrical safety of the vehicle
- Function tests of the emergency call system (eCall)
- Tests on the awareness of other road users approaching from behind the vehicle
- Driver inattention and attention warning system tests
Here is the TYPE Certification given to the Togg T10X:
Motor Vehicle Tax of the First Togg T10X Delivered Announced [Video]
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