Togg and Volvo Involved in an Accident, Social Media Topics

While it will still have to wait several years for the Togg to enter Euro NCAP testing, the biggest toughness tests are seen in real-life crashes. For this reason, an accident involving Volvo, known for producing the most robust vehicles, and Togg T10X became the agenda on social media.

Togg, whose deliveries started at the end of April, was delivered to 306 citizens until May, according to ODMD data dated June 2. When Togg hits the road, his buyers are confused almost every accident comes to the agenda of social media.

The latest crash footage allegedly includes a Togg and Volvo branded vehicle. Based on the images that reached hundreds of thousands of people in a short time, Volvo hits Togg from the sideso the front hood appears to be damaged.

Images of Togg and Volvo’s accident:

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