This Altcoin Will Be Bigger Than Bitcoin!

According to the famous economist Raoul Pal, it is inevitable for the pioneer altcoin Ethereum to overtake BTC. Real Vision founder and CEO Raoul Pal believes that Ethereum (ETH) will emerge in the future with a larger market cap than Bitcoin (BTC). Detail‘in.

Will this altcoin surpass BTC?

In a new interview, Pal said that Ethereum’s dethronement of Bitcoin could happen in this market cycle, just before the market starts to decline again. Ethereum’s market cap is currently around $486.7 billion, which is less than half the value of Bitcoin, which is currently around $1.07 trillion. Pal explains that he does not think of Ethereum as a “superior asset”. The expert says:

The two are completely different things. One is the store of value asset. The other is basically the fastest growing technology platform in the World. This [ikincisi] Will it be more valuable? Yeah. Now there is an argument that Bitcoin has become the monetary system for the whole world. But when that happens, I’m not sure I’ll be alive. What I’m trying to do is make the best bet I can in the next few years and I think that’s when ETH will overtake BTC. Does this happen in the loop? I think he can get there and that’s when the bear market begins.

Yet Pal is still bullish on Bitcoin. He predicts that BTC will grow from 150 million users to 1 billion users by 2024. And with the phrase “no doubt” he says that the price of Bitcoin will rise to $1 million. The former Goldman Sachs executive said last month that he “irresponsibly” held long positions in Ethereum that eclipsed all his other personal investments.

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