Why Are Chef Hats Long?

Feverish work in the kitchen, delicious and eye-catching dishes… But wait, what’s the story behind these big white hats worn by chefs?

Let us tell you a secret: Those giant white hats on the chefs’ headsRather than its aesthetic appearance, it symbolizes a French chef who was once a rising star of the kitchen.

These iconic hats why is it longYour perspective on food may change when you learn that it has different sizes.

Once upon a time there was a chef named Marie Antoine Carême.

Carême, in the art of cooking While he was considered a genius, he was also the pioneer of that long white hat that we wonder about. Why weren’t these hats, which we saw in various lengths, just one size?

The size of the hat reflected the hierarchy of chiefs at that time. The higher the hat, the greater the mastery of the chef who wears it. and it meant he had experience. During his reign, the kitchen expanded beyond just cooking; It has become an area of ​​art and organization.

In the early 1800s, Carême decided that all chefs needed a specific uniform and chose the color white, the symbol of hygiene.

Of course, he was not satisfied with this, he also thought that the chiefs needed a sign to show their authority and tall white hats began to serve exactly this function. At that time, chiefs had to be separated from ordinary people, and the hat became a symbol that provided this distinction.

Carême himself, who have the tallest hats to show their authority was one of them. His hat, called “Casque a meche”, was 45cm tall and had to be reinforced with cardboard to keep it upright.

Of course, hats were used for hygiene and sanitation purposes, but they were not used only for this reason.

chef hat

This long hat chefshows that he is the ruler of the kitchens and protects his throne at every dining table.

As you can see the higher these tall hats are, It is known that the chief is so senior that. So, if you go to a restaurant and see a chef with a tall hat, do not doubt the quality of the food you will eat!

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