This Altcoin Is Rising Insanely: Made 5,000 Percent!

A fake altcoin is skyrocketing. Based on the American animated comedy television series Sponge Bob, SPONGS gained over 5,000 percent. However, before we start the article, it is worth noting that this altcoin has nothing to do with Sponge Bob and is likely to fall as quickly as it rises. We are giving the details as…

Altcoin inspired by Sponge Bob gains momentum

The SpongeBob Square (SPONGS) token is based on the American animated comedy television series “SpongeBob SquarePants” created for Nickelodeon by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg. The series chronicles the adventures of the main character and his aquatic friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom.

A fake coin based on the popularity of this American animated series takes advantage. With a total supply of 1 trillion, crypto SPONGS has gained nearly 5,000 percent, signaling that the meme coin market is not dead yet. But obviously the project; SpongeBob has no official affiliation with SpongeBob other than using his name and logo illegally. SPONGS is trading at $0.000000001215, up 134% at the time of writing.

Due to its excessive earnings, SPONGS already occupies the top spot as the highest earning coin on the CoinMarketCap website. SPONGS brought to mind SQUID, which was inspired by the Netflix series Squid Game and put investors in harm’s way. The token of this project, which was also unofficially named Squid Game, came to the fore when it dropped from $2,856 to almost zero in a few minutes.

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