They’re Selling Luxury Homes Cheaply and Making Highlights Like This

This is how real estate fraudsters are making victims of those who want to buy a house with the system they have just developed.

The most common scams in our country are generally on cars and real estate. Every year, thousands of people face such situations and often end up in litigation with vendors. Despite all the security measures taken, fraudsters are constantly either discovering new methods or updating their existing methods.

Many users on the Internet discovered that scammers due to new methods states that they are victims. The newest methods of scammers look like they are trying to sell you the house. they try to get the deposit you paid. Let’s take a closer look at this new method of fraudsters together.

You saw an advertisement for a house on the Internet

While you are looking for an apartment that fits your budget on the Internet, suddenly it is normal. well below market priceYou have come across a very nice looking apartment in a central location. You called the number in the ad and started to talk about the house. The person on the other end of the phone tells you you have no problem and it says it won’t be a problem. When you want to get more information about the house, we insist on you. they invite you to their office.

When you go to the office, you can tell that there is a problem about the title deed of the house you want and that house they can’t sell scammers show you different and more expensive houses and try to convince you. Let’s say you like one of the houses they showed you. Then they ask you for a deposit and they sign documents. Since most of the customers want to take a loan, the fraudsters send you stating that they have agreements with many banks and that they will take the loan themselves. Real estate scammers, who say that there is no loan after making you wait for a long time, give you the deposit if you give up buying the house. refuses And if you insist, he puts you into execution. If you buy the house, you usually realize that there are serious problems in the house and you are deceived.

So how does this system work?

The scammers first take the house ads published by other people or companies on the internet. with a fake location and fake information offers it for sale again. Then lurking in wait for their customers, the scammers call the customers who contacted them to their offices for a fake house advertisement. Then the sales contract under the name of the deposit or signer of the deed If you give up, the fraudsters initiate legal proceedings and collect the amount in the promissory note. The bills are not in the name of the company. on behalf of an employee in the company being held.

How are these scammers not caught?

Updating a classic tactic that has been used for many years, these scammers give you the bills they have signed under the name of deposit. by using legal means to their crimes scams you. Since they create house ads by copying different ads on different sites, there is no real apartment and they usually apply by distorting the issue in the enforcement court.

About specific companies that are currently considered to be doing this job on the Internet. dozens of complaints. both on Twitter as well as all citizens who wrote their complaints on different platforms were defrauded in ways similar to what we have described, and They say they didn’t get their money..

So how can you detect this situation?

The first thing you need to do to prevent such scams is to do market research. For example, if you find a house with a price of 1.5 million TL for 600,000 TL, here you may suspect something is wrong. Then, with a small internet search about the person or company that posted the ad, you can easily find complaints about these people and companies on social media or on the internet.

If you are making face-to-face interviews about the advertisement, pay attention to the behavior of the other person and the documents they want you to sign. If there are sales contracts, promissory notes and similar documents among the documents they want to sign, such documents should be submitted. Avoid signing.

We hope that such incidents will come to an end as soon as possible. However, until then, when buying things such as house, automobile, electrical device, it’s good to be careful.

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