They put a computer in the suitcase! – HOW CAN IT BE?

When aesthetics and usefulness come together in the world of technology, unique and interesting products emerge. “Airplane Cockpit View Computer Cases”, which has gained popularity among aircraft enthusiasts, aviation enthusiasts and gamers, is one such product. We saw a very fantastic chassis at Computex 2023.

Design and Aesthetics

Aircraft cockpit-looking computer cases have a unique design that reflects the exciting details of real aircraft cockpits. They can be equipped with metallic surfaces, gauges, buttons and even realistic cockpit seats. These cases add visual appeal to your workspace, turning your desktop into more than just a regular box. Aircraft cockpit cases come with special lighting, further enhancing the cockpit atmosphere and giving your computer a unique look.

The computer, which is stated to be specially produced for simulation players, has dual monitors. In addition, the system itself has 2 arms, especially for use in aircraft simulations. In addition to these, an advanced touchpad is also included in the system.

We toured Dubai with technology editors!

We toured Dubai with technology editors!

Dubai vLog with tech editors. Hakkı Alkan met with many technology editors at the TCL launch he attended in Dubai.

The system, which has an AMD RTX 7900 series graphics card, has an Intel i7 13th generation processor. It wouldn’t be wrong to call it a complete game monster, in short. So what do you think about utopian designed computers? Do you think such systems are useful? Would you like to buy? Don’t forget to give your opinion in the comments section…

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