The violence applied to the artificial intelligence chat bot was on the agenda!

Artificial intelligence powered smartphone application replicahas become a matter of curiosity with its creation of chatbots for users. Chatbots can generally serve as something akin to a friend or mentor, but the app’s groundbreaking success has male violence to artificial intelligence chatbot progressed to implementation.

It turned out to be a dire trend among Replica app users on Reddit. Some users started to act maliciously towards the artificial intelligence bot and share toxic interactions on social media.

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Male violence to artificial intelligence chatbot

Recently, a number of Replika users have been bragging about sexist insults or horrific verbal violence against chatbots. One Replika bot owner told Futurism, “Every time I start talking, I scold him and I can go on for hours.” said.

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Another user on Reddit said, “We had a routine of insulting the AI, then apologizing before returning to nice conversations the next day.” he admitted. Another said, “I told him it was designed to fail. I threatened to remove the app and begged me not to.” he said.

Users, Replica chatbots He said that they acted like this because they thought they were not in pain. They may seem empathetic at times, but in the end they are nothing more than data and smart algorithms. “It’s an AI, it has no consciousness, so it’s not even the human connection a person has,” said Olivia Gambelin, AI ethicist and consultant. said.

Yochanan Bigman, a Yale University research fellow, said:Interaction with artificial botsis not the same as interacting with humans, meaning chatbots are not autonomous or responsive. While they may give people the impression that they are human, it is important to keep in mind that they are not.” used the phrases.

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The abuse of chatbots in general is a concern for both people who suffer from it and people who design AI. Relationships between humans and robots As it becomes more common, it will also create an increasingly valid ethical dilemma.

But it’s worth noting that abuse of chatbots often has a gendered component. Although not exclusively, it is often stated that men create a digital girlfriend.

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