The Sky Has Turned Red In China [Video]

Citizens of Zhoushan, the island city of China, encountered a very interesting and rare event on Saturday. The city was completely covered with a red sky. A statement was also made from the Chinese authorities about the event, and the reason for this interesting event was explained.

While witnessing unusual weather events around the world from time to time, the largest city in China’s Zhongshan Islands the other day. in Zhoushan An interesting event occurred. The city sky looks like the one in the movie Armageddon completely red.

While many citizens who saw the sky red were shocked and shared the images on social media, the event became the agenda on Weibo, China’s social media. After the shares that received hundreds of millions of views on the Internet, Zhoushan Meteorology Bureau also spoke about the subject. The explanation has come.

The incident was caused by the refraction and reflection of light in the clouds

In the statement shared by the authorities, the reason for the incident on Saturday was the light coming out of the fishing boats. low altitude reflection from the clouds that was shared. Officials stated that if the weather conditions are suitable, the water in the atmosphere creates aerosols and this refracts the light. The weather was foggy on the day of the incident.

The event in question also sparked discussions of an eruption similar to the Solar Flare, which occurred in the past few days and caused signal disruptions over the Atlantic Ocean. China University of Geosciences, after the allegations in question, on the day of the incident. Abnormal Solar and geomagnetic activity is not experienced. explained.

Images from the red sky in China



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