The season of selling on YouTube has begun! How to use?

In its statement, YouTube announced that it consists of products chosen by creators themselves. Ability to create shopping collections And don’t sell announced new Shopping features that allow These features allow producers to better plan their shoppable videos and quickly turn their old videos into monetization.

YouTube is also launching a new Affiliate Center in its app to make it easier for creators to find information about the latest Shopping partners list, competitive commission rates and promotional codes. Manufacturers use this center They will be able to request product samples from leading brands.

YouTube allows creators to link their fourth wall stores and in YouTube Studio allowing them to directly manage their content, Shopify, spreadshop And spring their integration with Fourthwall he also added.

You won't need to watch long videos on YouTube anymore!

You won’t need to watch long videos on YouTube anymore!

YouTube will automatically divide long videos into sections with its new feature called Important Moments. Here are the details.

YouTube How to sell with the shopping feature:

  • shopping collections: Content creators can create thematic collections of products they choose. These collections appear in a manufacturer’s product listing, Shop tab, and video description.
  • Affiliate Center: Manufacturers can learn about the latest Shopping partners list, competitive commission rates and promotional codes, as well as request product samples from top brands.
  • Fourthwall integration: Fourthwall joins integrated platforms like Shopify, Spreadshop, and Spring, so users can connect their Fourthwall stores and manage their content directly in YouTube Studio.
  • Bulk product labeling: Content creators can collectively tag products in their video libraries based on products added to video descriptions.
  • Monetize old content: Older content with high traffic can help generate more revenue thanks to tagged products.
  • Increased shopping-focused watch time: There was a 25 percent increase in watch time for shopping-related videos on YouTube in 2023.

These new features aim to increase the platform’s competitiveness in shopping and e-commerce by expanding the support and services offered to YouTube’s content creators.

Last year, YouTube launched features that allow creators to collectively tag products in their video libraries based on the products included in the video’s description. Now, it’s expanding this feature to all Shopping creators. This feature will help generate more revenue from old content that continues to receive high traffic.

In 2023, users watched more than 30 billion hours of shopping-related videos on YouTube. Watch time for videos that help with shopping on YouTube has increased significantly. It’s also noteworthy that these new features are launching as TikTok Shop challenges YouTube Shopping and other rivals.

These developments raise questions about how YouTube will support creators’ shopping-focused content, what kind of competitive advantage the platform will gain in the field of shopping and e-commerce, and how it will affect users’ shopping experience.

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