The Reason for the Electricity in the Sky in Dubai – Webtekno

What happened in Dubai, one of the driest regions in the world, stunned everyone. Since it was a region that did not receive rain, artificial rain studies were carried out until it combined with real rain formation in the sky…

Receiving the rainfall in almost 1 year in 24 hours dubai Warnings are given for. Everyone is at home, and the country is in danger of floods.

So that’s it in an arid area How did such a flood happen? Although this was perhaps somewhat understandable, the electric shocks in the sky frightened everyone. Really, what is this electricity?

Artificial rain studies have been carried out in Dubai since 2017.

The arid climate of the regionWhile water pollution poses a constant challenge to the management of local water resources, the National Meteorological Center’s latest move draws attention with its artificial rain production. Years ago, this solution was found in the world-famous city of the United Arab Emirates to use water more effectively and increase the amount of rainfall.

This technology, developed in collaboration with some experts, It is carried out by giving electroshocks to clouds. This intervention in the clouds causes water droplets to come together and trigger precipitation.

This is the reason for the ‘electricity’ phenomenon in the sky.


Images spread on social media show that the regions where this technology is applied received heavy rainfall and that the visibility of drivers on the road is negatively affected.

Although this practice implemented by Dubai is considered as a step to combat drought, artificial rain production More research is needed on its long-term environmental impacts and sustainability.

Additionally, the risks of this application should not be ignored.


artificial rain, like every artificial application, is not such an innocent thing; On the contrary, it has the potential to change the natural rainfall regime and has very harmful effects on ecosystems.

Well, temperatures reach 50 degrees This artificial rain in Dubai How was the application carried out?

There are two methods used for this.

artificial rain

First, to the clouds spraying chemicals. This process is done by aircraft or special equipment. Chemicals are sprayed into the clouds to condense water vapor. These chemicals encourage water droplets in the cloud to come together and form rain.

The second method is electroshock. The method used in Dubai is the same. In this method, Electric charge is given directly to the clouds by drone. This electrical charge causes the water droplets in the cloud to collide and come together. The result is known…

Artificial rain is not as innocent as it seemsIt is worth reminding once again that such applications require in-depth research and analysis.

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