The Racist Game Called “Turkish Head” Was the First Form of Boxing Machine!

You will not like to learn how boxing machines, which are usually found in shopping malls and amusement parks, are in their original form.

This game machine, which was first introduced at an exhibition of newly manufactured machines in Paris in 1867, is perhaps the It was the most racist game in world history.

The name of this game, which aims to hit the head of a toy male depicted with a hat or a fez and mustache, with a sledgehammer. It was “Tete De Turc (Turkish Head)”.

Yes, hitting this stereotypically designed Turkish Head with a sledgehammer was a means of entertainment.

The purpose of the game machine, invented by the French, is today’s with boxing machines was the same. Arm strength was tested in the game.

It had a gauge just like today’s boxing machines.

racist game

The harder it was hit with a sledgehammer, the higher the object they called the Turkish head would rise.

According to what is told in the sources, Sultan Abdulaziz Han and his entourage also saw this machine in the exhibition in question.

french game

Sultan, besides this attended the exhibition as a guest. The French protocol member was also accompanying the Sultan. When the Sultan noticed this machine, he asked the protocol member what the machine was for.

“Turkish head, sir!” The Sultan, who was upset when he got his answer, still tried not to give a fuck and asked Halil Pasha from Kayseri. “Hit him so they can see the power of the Turk!” gave the order.

racist game

Halil Pasha, who took off his jacket and grazed the sleeve of his cloak (sleeved vest worn over a shirt), hit the ball – according to the rumor – so that the ball and the indicator of the dynamometer were shattered. Thereupon, Halil Pasha said, “This thing is a If he had a Turkish head It wouldn’t have dispersed so easily, my sultan, at best it’s a European head!”

This racist game, which has changed over the years, has disappeared.

sledgehammer game

Actually, it would be more accurate to say “evolved” because especially in american movies You may have seen this game machine. Fortunately, there are no elements related to Turkishness in these versions of this game, now known as “high striker”. The game later inspired boxing machines.


  • The Language of Ottoman Documents – Turkish Historical Society (Book)
  • Ottoman Ambassadors and Embassies – Turkish Historical Society (Book)


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