The price of the yacht sold in Metaverse broke the record!

of the rich metaverse (virtual universe) investments are astounding! Virtual universe developers develop cities, houses, cars for the digital world. The Sandbox In the virtual game world, a yacht sold recently broke a record. Digital asset designed into The Sandbox The Fantasy Collection for the series Republic Realm Released by. A yacht sold to an unnamed user is the most expensive ever sold NFT it happened. Here are the price and details of the yacht…

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There is no end to metaverse projects around the world! The island nation of Barbados is preparing to open its first embassy in the metaverse.

Metaverse yacht was sold for 650 thousand dollars!

The Sandbox‘gift of jewelry ‘Metaflower Super Mega Yachtyacht named ‘ 149 ETH found a buyer. So this mega yacht, 650 thousand dollars Purchased. Thus, on the platform most expensive NFT became. This luxury digital yacht has four floors and includes a DJ booth, two helipads and a hot tub.

Yacht sold in metaverse world

metaverse developments in the world do not slow down. In November, the virtual world DecentralandA digital plot of land in $2.43 million found a buyer. That price surpasses the cost of most homes in New York City and San Francisco. Another virtual world the next day Axie InfinityA digital plot of land in 2.3 million dollars sold.

Metaflower Super Mega YachtWe mentioned that ‘s Republic Realm is a part of ‘The Fantasy Collection’. In addition to yachts, this collection also includes marinas, private islands, jet skis and speedboats. However, they are all sold separately. In addition, if they want to buy a helicopter for the runways on the metaverse yacht, they have to pay extra.

Virtual This amount of money paid into an asset has surprised many. However, to look at it from a different perspective, there is no maintenance and repair cost for the yacht as it is completely digital. Also to an NFT half a million For the person who spends more money, this amount is probably insignificant. The most important issue now is to find a friend for your virtual yacht. Is there enough money to buy it?

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