The Most Wanted Characteristics in Romantic Partners Have Been Revealed

According to a study conducted in Brazil, people attach more importance to kindness and intelligence than anything else when choosing a romantic partner.

Finding a romantic relationship in the modern world is becoming increasingly complicated. For example, people now rely on the internet to find a partner. Both the number and popularity of matchmaking applications are increasing. On the other hand, a new study shows that, at least in a relationship, people the things they value most When we look at it, it helps lonely people maintain their hopes.

Made in Brazil and Approximately 800 people attended According to a study, people attach importance to the intelligence and kindness of their partners in a romantic relationship. Money and beauty, which have become clichés, are lower on the list. at the University of Sao Paulo Psychologist Joao Francisco Goes Braga Takayangi, “If you want to attract more potential partners, working on your brain and personality is your best bet.” he said.

Even though the tendencies are different, the sought-after features are the same.

One of the striking aspects of the research is that kindness and intelligence It was the most sought-after feature, regardless of factors such as people’s sexual orientation, gender or age group. So these traits seem to be the traits that people universally look for in their partners.

In the research, participants filled out two different questionnaires. In these surveys, participants To create the partner of your dreams distributed points from point pools to certain features. When there were plenty of points in the pool, people allocated points close to each characteristic, but when it came to acting with few points, intelligence and kindness stood out as the standout traits.

The research was published in Arcihves of Sexual Behaviour.


Inability to Understand Whether the Things You Feel in Romantic Relationships Are True Love or Obsession: Limerence


Replika, which offers artificial intelligence virtual friends, drew reactions from some users when it deleted romantic interactions.

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