The Most Stunning Dinosaur Fossil Ever Discovered

Researchers in Ganzhou, China, examined a preserved dinosaur egg, first found in 2000, and found a well-preserved embryo inside. The embryo also provided an important clue about the connection between birds and dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs, which became extinct 66 million years ago, continue to be studied by the scientific world thanks to the fossils that have emerged. In recent days, unlike standard fossils, a much more special discovery has been made. in Ganzhou city of China thought to be about 66 million years old A dinosaur fossil was discovered.

The ‘toothless theropod’, also known as ‘theropod’, is the embryo that has been preserved almost intact for 66 million years.oviraptorosaurIt is thought to be of the ‘ type. The type of embryo, called Baby Yingliang, lived between 100 million years and 66 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous, in what we now call Asia and North America.

He points to the important link between birds and dinosaurs:

Researcher Fion Waisum Ma explained that the discovered embryo was “the best dinosaur embryo ever found”. The embryo also gave researchers an important clue about the connection between dinosaurs and modern birds. The fossil is a behavior of the embryo shortly before hatching in birds. withdrawal behavior shows it does.

dinosaur fossil

Dr. Ma said in a statement that this type of behavior in modern birds first appeared among dinosaur ancestors and evolve indicated that. Paleontologist Prof. Dr. Steve Brusatte also shared that this is one of the most striking dinosaur fossils ever, and that the embryo is on the verge of hatching.


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The embryo, named Baby Yingliang, has a length of 27 centimeters and Inside a 17cm egg exists. This egg was first uncovered in 2000 and kept in storage for 10 years. Finally, as the construction work began on the museum where the egg was found, the researchers turned their attention to this egg while sorting out the ancient fossils.

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