The Little-Known Connection of Google and the CIA

What if we say that the mysterious relationship between Google and the CIA dates back to the company’s founding years? This secret, hidden in the dark corridors of the technology and intelligence world, can affect our daily lives because almost all of us have Google on our phones!

Google is a company that we have been unable to mention for many years. From our phones to our homes, There is a piece of it everywhere, from our travels to our emails.

Almost an invisible force How do you think this giant, which has become one, established ties with the CIA, the US intelligence agency full of mysteries and controversies?

It may come as a surprise, but the CIA has influence on Google’s roots.

The CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, plays a very different role on the world stage. Overthrowing foreign governments, It is known as an institution that collects information about leaders and citizens.

organization, From human rights violations to drug trafficking It comes to the fore with its many controversial activities. The CIA’s history, full of mystery and controversy, makes it an organization that arouses curiosity among the public.

CIA Google

Well, these two different worlds Where is the intersection point? The connection between Google and the CIA is a fact that many of us are not aware of at first glance.

In fact, the CIA In the early days of Google played an important role. Sergey Brin shared information about Google’s development process with representatives of the US intelligence community and even started a project that could be considered the predecessor of Google Earth. CIA invested.

The establishment of the CIA II. It is based on the United States’ struggle for world supremacy with the Soviet Union in the immediate aftermath of World War II.

Pyotr Popov, Soviet soldier turned CIA agent

The existence of the atomic bomb replaced traditional warfare methods with more covert operations and It caused him to give up psychological warfare.

CIA worldwide during this period To protect American interests He carried out many secret operations. He was active in a wide range of issues, from Italian elections to coups d’état in Iran and Guatemala.


carried out by the CIA One of the darkest projects is MKUltra happened. This project was designed to develop mind control techniques. Experiments using psychoactive substances such as LSD are often without the consent of individuals was carried out.

Among the victims of these experiments prisoners, mental patients and even CIA agents There was even MKUltra went down in history as a major attack on human rights.

Now we come to the point where the tail of the cow was cut off, that is, the year 1994.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page Google

In 1994, while Sergey Brin and Larry Page were doing their doctoral studies at Stanford University, they were immersed in the ever-growing world of the internet. to organize information and make it accessible They started developing a search engine.

The project, which would later create a worldwide revolution He laid the foundations of Google. During the work of Brin and Page, some of their research at Stanford University was conducted by two American intelligence agencies. It was funded by the NSA and CIA.

At that time technology and intelligence community You noticed how intertwined the relationships between them are, right?

In particular, Sergey Brin’s briefing of intelligence community representatives about his projects is an indication of how early this relationship began.


Google’s acquisition of the company Keyhole and reintroduction of the technology developed by this company as Google Earth, A concrete example of the connection with the CIA. Investment in Keyhole comes directly from the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel It was made by.

From covert operations to power struggles on the global stage, we never know exactly what’s going on in the depths of this world. But one thing is certain; in the information age, knowledge is the most valuable weapon And whoever holds this weapon shapes the future of the world.

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