The Interesting Tastes of the Rich

Being in a good financial situation can make your life easier in many ways, and this financial freedom you experience can even change your pleasures. It is precisely for these reasons that some rich people are able to take interesting actions.

What famous and rich names such as Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Rihanna ate, drank, wore and where they went, has been shared by many people. being wondered. In fact, they often appear as ‘magazine news’.

It is certain that the rich do not eat onions in their 1+1 houses, but what do they eat? In fact, they can have very interesting choices. Moreover, not only what they eat, but also hobbies and likes to spend money fields it can get weird sometimes. So let’s start with the coffee they drink.

For example, they drink coffee made from the feces of a cat.

The reason why we include Luwak coffee on this list is that it is produced from the feces of the civet cat. Of course, for this, civet cats are fed the fruit of arabica or robusta coffee trees. of cats after excretion of coffee beans through feces On the other hand, the beans are cleaned and dried, and then the outer shells are peeled and roasted. After roasting approx. thousand dollars selling.

One of the strangest pleasures of the rich is to buy stars.

buy a star

It is true that we all have an interest in space, but wealthy people show their interest in space in very interesting ways. As a matter of fact, it is not possible to truly own a star. So if someone says they bought a star, it’s likely that he gave the star the name he chose he is saying. If naming a star average It starts from 3 thousand TL.

Now, “What is the indicator of wealth in something worth 3 thousand TL?” You may say, but let’s think like this; Do you have $3,000 for something you’ve never seen and probably won’t do you any good? Unfortunately, this is a bit like throwing money away, so it’s popular with the rich. more preferred A situation.

Of course, you can’t do without a “ticket to space” while you’ve bought a star.

buy a ticket to space

When we say “buying a ticket to space”, we can all think of interesting and funny visuals. But actually Really There are tickets available that can take you into space.

The price of the tickets is on the pocket. For example, last year it was about 80 km from Earth. the cost of spending a few minutes approximately It was 450 thousand dollars. But when you want to buy a ticket to space or a star, the probability of being scammed is also very high.

The real rich and those who feel rich know the taste of “gold”.


Gold-plated foods have become indispensable for expensive restaurants. Many people also wonder how the gold added to the food tastes, and that’s why they try it. However, it is necessary to be truly rich in order to consume these foods with gold plating constantly. Zira is average for a gold plated hamburger Something like 300 dollars (approximately 5,700 TL) you need to pay.

Let’s not go without saying, contrary to popular belief, gold does not have a distinct taste. For this reason, in fact, only so that your food will float in gold and shine yellow. for show off you are giving money.

The biggest goal of the rich generation who grew up watching my Magic Mom: Immortality!

thanos immortality

Man is a mortal creature, but most of us the thought that one day we will die we don’t like it much. That’s why people who have money to spend do their best to become immortal or live a little longer.

One of the scariest things done for immortality is to use the embryonic stem cells of the baby in the mother’s womb. Embryonic stem cells injected into the body have the ability to repair and regenerate damaged cells. Thus, people can be healthy individuals with a youthful appearance. But as a result, these stem cells are taken from a baby and of course this process is very high probability of harming the baby and therefore almost banned all over the world.

Another thing they do for strange reasons is to eat baby placenta.

Kim Kardashian placenta

World-famous names such as Kim Kardashian and Tom Cruise have taken the placenta of their children. preferred to consume in different ways and there have been many claims about why they did it.

In general, the reason for this vitamins in the placenta It would not be wrong to say that it is. However, there are some beliefs that can be considered superstitious. For example, some people think that it improves the mood after childbirth and increases milk production in new mothers. Indeed, it is a has no scientific basis.

A rich man may have found the phrase “If my father came out of the sea, I would eat it”.

fugu fish

Fugu, a type of puffer fish, is a very popular dish, especially in Japan. But that’s not what made us include him on this list, it’s because he went through a difficult preparation process. In fact, a full serving of fugu in the United States is about sells for $200 and your order is prepared in Japan and shipped to your location by air.

The situation in our country is somewhat different. Fugu fish can be seen in the Mediterranean and Marmara. Moreover, since pufferfish are invasive species that harm the ecosystem in our seas, you can get paid for each puffer fish you catch. Of course, these poisonous creatures and that your little carelessness can cause serious health problems Let’s remind.

Of course, among all these pleasures, there are some that can cause controversy. For example, keeping a lion at home.

keep a lion at home

Animals like lion, tiger, cheetah extinct or animals that may be endangered. Therefore, each lion needs to be well cared for and protected. We are sure that people who can afford this care financially want to adopt a lion and even own it. But everyone is so may not think well Or things may not go as well as we think.

Of course, it doesn’t make much sense to feed these creatures, which we call “the king of the jungle”, in the backyard of a house. Because this situation It is against the nature of the animal, as well as putting your life in danger. you are. As a result, animals such as lions and tigers are predators by nature and are unlikely to be domesticated.

I wish they would have stayed at home with good intentions, of course.

eating endangered animals

Although we do not see many examples in our country, there are ‘special menus’ in many luxury restaurants abroad and these special menus are among them. from endangered animals meals are available. Moreover, these dishes sell for thousands of dollars.

Moreover, apart from eating and feeding; they can fill the heads of animals and display them as an accessory in their home.

stuffed animal head

For this too animals such as deer, gazelle, wolf, rhinoceros or bear they can choose. As you know, the probability of seeing these animals while walking in a forest is very low. Many of them fall into the endangered animal category.

Of course, eating, detaining, hunting these animals and even damaging their habitats. banned in many countries around the world. But a large number of endangered animals, especially from Africa exports continue.

Editor note:

We have seen many interesting pleasures throughout our content, but of course, we should not think that all rich people do these pleasures. There are many famous names who have signed numerous projects to protect animals and nature and even preferred veganism. We also have this content, by adoring them we prepared. As a result, we cannot interfere with who prepares the money and how. However, it would be much better if we leave the animals that we have not seen even once in our life and most likely will not see.


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