The Game You Will Be Addicted To For Cat Day From Google

Google shared a little game special for International Cat Day. When you search for ‘Cat day’, the game that comes up will probably make you addicted to the screen.

Celebrated on August 8 every year on behalf of our little pawed friends. International Cat Day it came. Today is the 20th anniversary of International Cat Day, which has been celebrated since 2002. Google, which prepares various doodles and interactive tools for special occasions around the world, has put a button in the search results for this today.

on google Searching for ‘cat day’ users began to encounter a button with a paw print on the card on the right. When this button is clicked, the search page is no longer available. Because now, when you start clicking on the screen, a cat’s paw comes to the place you clicked and starts to leave a paw print by meowing. If you want to turn off this feature of Google, at the bottom of the page Pressing the ‘X’ button or ESC key sufficient.

Google’s button for cats:


You can click this link to go to Google’s little game.

What is International Cat Day?

International Cat Day is celebrated by International Cat Day, one of the world’s largest animal protection and charities. Fund for Animal Welfare It was created by (IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare). The purpose of the day was determined as raising awareness for cats and learning ways to help and protect them.

Oversight of International Cat Day in 2020 To International Cat Care (International Cat Protection) passed. International Cat Care, a British not-for-profit organization, serves as an organization aimed at improving the health and well-being of domestic cats around the world.

Cat owners and those who want to own cats, we have prepared these contents for you!


7 Tips You Can Use To Train Cats, Our Cute Friends Known For Being Domineering


15 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Our Cute Friends Cats


25 Common Mistakes Cat Owners Make

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