The Foundations of a Much Faster ‘Quantum Internet’ Have Been Laid

In their new study, German scientists showed that a quantum internet can be established with the existing fiber optic infrastructure. The new study marks an important step forward for the quantum internet future.

Quantum mechanics, one of the most complex theories of the physics world, is home to many mechanics that benefit from the development of technology today. Among these mechanics that scientists have been working on for years quantum entanglement is also included. Quantum entanglement simply assumes that two similar particles have synchronicity with each other, that is, they affect each other simultaneously in separate places.

Scientists have been working to take advantage of the potential of this mechanics for a long time. The last of these studies was carried out by scientists from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Saarlan University in Germany. The study is likely in telecommunications technology that we will benefit from in the future. laid the foundations.

Two atoms 33 kilometers apart were bonded together:

Scientists with fiber optic placed 33 kilometers apart succeeded in demonstrating the quantum entanglement between rubidium atoms. Each atom was excited by a laser pulse, and as a result of this pulse, the atoms emitted a photon. Photons emanating from the two atoms at the end of the fiber optic cable came together at the receiving station in the middle of the cable. Photons that were already entangled with their atoms became entangled with each other in this center as well. Thus, the two atoms were quantum entangled.

The new work is a big step forward in entangling two atoms. The entangled atoms ‘quantum memory’ nodes shared that it can play a role. Scientists believe that this result quantum internet He said that it would be a big step for him to enter our lives. In other words, the communication network and the internet may become much faster and safer in the future with this new technology, the first step of which has been taken. Moreover, this technology also with existing fiber optic cables that you can use was a proof.


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