The Footballer who Converted Prices in Germany to TL Reactions

Former football player Ahmet Dursun tried to prove that Germany is expensive by converting the market prices in Germany to TL in his Instagram post. Dursun’s sharing naturally garnered a reaction in a short time.

Every day in Turkey, we come across various irrational comments that show that the economy is good, that the depreciation of our currency is actually a good thing, that inflation and hikes are not actually experienced, and that much more ‘facts’ are revealed. Here today, among these comments another one added.

Former national football player Ahmet Dursun, in the story he shared on his Instagram account market prices in Germany gave place. He gave a place, but in his story by converting the euro denominated prices in Germany to Turkish Lira, he ‘proved’ that life in Germany is actually very expensive. Here’s the story that many retell about what purchasing power is and how money should be compared as a ‘unit’:

Ahmet Dursun’s amazing purchasing power comparison:

This comparison, which we have encountered many times before, even in official institutions, of course, received a great reaction from social media. The reactions to this mind-blowing comparison of the football player were as follows:

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

ahmet let alone

source site-36