The Finals has moved into open beta!

Embark Studios’ new game “The Finals” comes to the gaming world with great excitement. Players are getting ready to meet this team-based and first-person shooter game in the open beta that will last until November 5. Moreover, this game can be played for free!

The Finals has moved into open beta!

Titled “The Finals,” this game allows you to participate in the ultimate battle as a contestant on an entertainment game show. You and your team will fight for fame, riches and the support of generous seasonal sponsors. This game places hyper-realistic arenas in the world’s most iconic locations. Plus, it will constantly surprise you with dynamic factors like time of day, weather, and game-changing events.

“The Finals” offers a unique experience in the gaming world. This game lets you fight in massive dynamic environments filled with server-side destruction, interactive physical objects, and more, while allowing you to fully customize your character’s appearance and playstyle.

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The main features of the game include surprising options, contrasting styles and interactions. Your personal player skills, choices, character growth and risk/reward relationship are prioritized in the game. “The Finals” encourages you to think and strategize.

The game masterfully combines chaos and control. In this way, players can have a fun and exciting experience at any time. Additionally, the game’s communication style provides credibility and motivation. Humor is an integral part of the game, but this humor makes the atmosphere of the game even more entertaining.

“The Finals” is no ordinary shooter game. Everything is allowed in the game. You can climb walls, destroy buildings and develop strategies using environmental advantages. Your competitors will use the same advantages, so the competition will be quite fierce.

Additionally, the game has a fast-paced game mode. Teams of three compete to find and deposit cash boxes. Build your team, enter the arena, collect cash boxes and take them to pay stations. Try to win by protecting the money you earn and defending against attacks.

“The Finals” game is designed to offer players a dynamic, exciting and unique experience. Starting from November 5, anyone who wants to experience this excitement can join the Open Beta. Be prepared and step into this extraordinary world of war.

Embark Studios announced that the open beta, which will be playable cross-platform on Steam, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and Steam starting from October 26, will end on November 5. So you can start enjoying the game from today.

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