The end of the road for Google Duo is in sight!

Google Duo, which overtakes other video calling applications when it debuted, will now continue on its way with a different policy. The Meet service, which Google has taken a lot of care lately, has been a Duo since it came to smartphones. excess was of character. With the company’s new announcement, the fate of Google Duo will be determined from now on. how to proceed announced.

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Google Duo joins Google Meet

Designed for smartphones and tablets, Google Duo offers with sound and image quality It was like an answer to FaceTime on iOS. The quality losses experienced when you want to video call via WhatsApp or Instagram were significantly less in Duo. But since Google started to spend more time developing Meet, Duo hasn’t had much of a joke.

The company must have realized this and decided to merge Duo and Meet. This merger will take place in two phases. First, all the features in Meet Coming to Duo We’ll see, however, the features already present in the Duo will remain. After a while, the Meet application will replace Duo.

The features that will be added to Duo in Meet are as follows:

  • Customize virtual backgrounds for calls and meetings
  • Schedule meetings so everyone can join at a time that works for them
  • Use in-meeting chat for deeper interaction
  • Share live content to engage all participants in the call
  • Use real-time captions to better support accessibility and increase engagement
  • Create crowded meetings with the number of participants increased from 32 to 100
  • Integrate with other tools including Gmail, Google Calendar, Assistant, Messages and more

With this transition, a two-stage plan has been created so that users do not experience an experience. Google Duo has a user base that cannot be underestimated, it would be a big mistake to alienate this audience from Google services.

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