The Emotional State That Makes Thursday Like the Number 49: Synesthesia

Have you ever seen the color of the music you listen to? Or did you taste a color you saw? Or could it be the scent of the days? Although it sounds a little strange, many people actually experience this condition and it is called “synaesthesia”.

Synesthesia has long attracted the attention of scientists as an unusual phenomenon that has the ability to entangle sensory experiences. Some people can taste colorsyou can smell a song you are listening to or texture of numbers can feel.

Synesthesia is the perception of an object, sound, smell or thought that stimulates a sense. by a different sense causes arousal. That’s why we can often associate a color with a texture, a number with a taste, or music with a smell.

So what exactly does synesthesia mean?

We have to say, it sounds a little complicated. So, first let’s look at the word origin of synesthesia. Although synesthesia is a Greek word, meaning united It is a combination of the words “sin” and “anesthesia”, which means sense.

This word, which we can also call a compound sense, A stimulus that should appeal to the target sense It is a condition in which it involuntarily activates other senses. Well, the origin of the word tells you anesthesia, which means numbness Did you remind me?

To explain it more simply, Thursday with the number 49 Identifying with the color blue or having a sour taste are examples of synesthesia. In the blue example, apart from the eyes activating the sense of sight, it also activates the sense of taste. transmitting a sour tasteindicates intersensory confusion. If you find yourself in such a situation, you are not alone.

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