The Effects of Pets on Our Psychology

While it feels good to just sit on the sidelines and pet a cute cat staring at you as you walk along the sidewalk, think about what emotions you’ll experience as a roommate with a pet.

Especially in those difficult days when we could not leave our homes during the pandemic process, we once again understood the existence of our pet friends. Even the rate of pet ownership increased significantly in the last 3 years. the fact that we have embraced this idea thoroughly reveals.

Most of the time from people with whom we are related by blood, feel better than many of our relatives Get ready to learn about the effects of our pets on our psychology.

Who doesn’t want more happiness hormones?

According to the researches, we know that it is the happiness hormone secreted by people who spend an average of 25 minutes a day with their pets, take care and make eye contact. increased oxytocin level by 25% has been observed.

Moreover, the physiological benefits of raising pets are not limited to oxytocin. Seeing that they are healthy and happy when we take care of the pets we are responsible for, the feeling of pleasure we get when doing activities we love As a result, we release dopamine and serotonin hormones in high doses. Thus, you will be a few steps away from anxiety and stress.

Doesn’t your soul have a right to be healed too?

Mental problems we experience due to various reasons It greatly reduces our quality of life. You may be struggling with many mental problems, big and small, from lack of self-confidence to dementia, from depression to schizophrenia. We know a way to make you feel better.

It is a therapy method that uses the healthy and strong bonds that people establish with animals. Animal Assisted Therapy (HDT) This is exactly the method we’re talking about. Dogs are mostly preferred in these therapies because their social skills are higher than other pets.

Did you know you are not alone?

Considering perhaps the biggest challenge of this period, where virtual socialization and online interactions have reached gigantic proportions, with the fact that we’re getting lonely we can face

Our pets, which we include in our lives, are actually good for the sense of loneliness we feel in our monotonous and asocial life. To accept them as members of our family, to love unconditionally and feel their love it gives us the message that we are not alone in this life.

Isn’t it time to learn to take responsibility?

Of course, it is not a coincidence that people who have a pet during their childhood become more responsible individuals in adulthood! With the beginning of the school period, a child who has reached the age to take responsibility takes care of that animal, to meet his needs without any interest, contributes to being more self-confident and extroverted in his social life.

Are you ready to improve your ability to empathize?

Puss in Boots

With soulful eyes What does your cat looking after you need? It probably takes seconds to understand. In which situations how much it hurts, when you will be hungry and even how happy you are at that moment…

You are in control of all this information. At that very moment, while feeding your hungry pet, at the same time You also satisfy your sense of empathy. unaware.

What if we told you that besides its positive effects against aging physically, it also slows down the aging of your brain?


At the University of Michigan between 2010-2016 With over 20,000 attendees over 50 carried out In one study, participants were given a set of cognitive tests.

Among the participants who follow the development of pet owners in the following years, those who have pets for more than 5 years can be seen in long and short term periods. have a stronger memory appeared.

We learned that our dear friends, with whom we are roommates, repair many damage, from our hormones to our mental problems. You can also share your experiences with us in the comments section. who knows maybe of our animal friends waiting for love in shelters someone will have a home thanks to you!


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