The E3 game fair is reopening its doors: here’s the date!

The Covid-19 pandemic has deeply affected our lives. So much so that even the way we live and work has changed. In addition, the events that are held regularly every year have also been temporarily terminated. But now we are in the process of normalization. In this direction, the long-awaited E3 game fair has also shared the date it will open its doors to gamers.

E3 game fair will be held physically in 2023!

The Entertainment Software Association, the main organizer of the E3 game fair, said that there will be no event in both physical and virtual environments this year. But he announced that they will do both in 2023.

The statement made by ESA president and CEO Stan Pierre-Louis is as follows:

We are excited to be back in 2023 with both a digital and in-person event. Although we love these digital events and the idea of ​​reaching more people in this way, we are aware of the intense interest in meeting physically. It’s really great to be able to connect in person, see someone and live the experience live.

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Good news for Rust players: Giant update is on the way!

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After this statement, we can say that it is certain that E3 will return next year. Players and journalists, on the other hand, express that they are very happy that many events will be held face-to-face, from Bethesda (now under the umbrella of Microsoft) to Summer Game Fest Live.

Although the exact location and date have not been shared in the statement made by ESA, it is expected to be held in the Los Angeles Convention Center in the USA in June of next year as an E3 classic.

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