The Demon’s Souls maker hasn’t played the last game of the series!

Originally released in 2009 by FromSoftware and exclusively for PlayStation 3. Demon’s Souls, It became a phenomenon in a very short time. Creator and executive producer of the production that pioneered a new genre called Souls-like Hidetaka Miyazaki In a new interview, he admitted that he did not play the last game of the series. Here is the reason…

Sony has officially acquired the maker of Demon’s Souls!

Sony has officially announced that it has acquired the Demon’s Souls producer, which was released exclusively for PlayStation 5.

Miyazaki explains why he didn’t try the game

The Souls series, which started its adventure with Demon’s Souls, which was released on PS3, continued with Dark Souls and its sequels, which were released later. Having genre continuity and gameplay mechanics King’s Field, Bloodbourne, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and will be released next month. Elden Ring Demon’s Souls, which pioneered many legendary productions such as, had a remake with the release of PS5 last year.

in total more than 30 million the last game in the copy-selling Souls series, creator of the series Hidetaka Miyazaki It was developed by BluePoint Games, with remote guidance by

Miyazaki, who recently made an interview with Video Games Chronicles, made important statements about the corpus of both Elden Rings and Souls series. Developed by the famous game maker, Bluepoint Demon’s Souls Remake game He admitted that he had never tried.

The legendary game of PlayStation 1 has been resurrected after 20 years!

The legendary game of PlayStation 1 has been resurrected after 20 years!

TimeSplitters, one of the most famous productions of the Sony PlayStation brand, continues to be kept alive by the fans.

Here are Miyazaki’s statements:

“As you all know, I did not directly contribute to the development of the game and frankly, I have never played Demon’s Souls Remake. This is because I don’t enjoy playing the games I’ve made in the past at all. Doing this brings up so many old feelings and memories, and it’s tiring for me. I don’t even feel like I’m playing a game like that.

Yes, I haven’t played the Demon remake, but I’m pretty happy with the remastered images and next-gen graphics.”

Hidetaka Miyazaki

So what do you think about Miyazaki’s statements and the Souls series? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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