The Damage Caused by the 6.4 Earthquake Viewed from the Air

Bayraktar TB2 UAVs were removed after the earthquakes in Hatay. While the region was viewed from the air, damage assessment studies were also supported.

While Turkey was trying to heal the wounds of the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquake that took place on February 6, last night Scary news from Hatay came. In Hatay, where two earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.4 and 5.8 were experienced, some buildings that managed to survive in previous earthquakes. destroyed.

As of February 6, life in Hatay had almost stopped. Even today, a serious part of the city no electricity. As such, it was not possible for the teams to detect the destroyed buildings last night, except for the notices. Bayraktar TB2s belonging to the General Directorate of Security entered the circuit. The UAVs, which were removed after the two earthquakes, both helped the authorities and The latest version of Hatay viewed from the air.

Search and rescue efforts were directed with Bayraktar TB2 cameras!

According to the information obtained from Bayraktar TB2 cameras, snapshots, first went to AFAD Emergency Management Center in Ankara. The authorities who checked here transferred the data they obtained to the search and rescue teams in Hatay. In this way, for the buildings destroyed in the earthquakes last night, check has been done.


prof. Dr. Statement from Naci Görür After 6.4 and 5.8 Earthquakes: We Should Be Careful in Adana too

Meanwhile; Let’s point out that unfortunately we have new casualties in the earthquakes of 6.4 and 5.8 that occurred in Hatay. According to the statements made in Hatay 6 more citizens he lost his life. 294 people were injured, 18 of them is in serious condition is reported.

You can watch the footage provided by Bayraktar TB2 below:

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