The Chinese Space Station will also be open to Turkey!

USA’s International Space stationto (ISS) China began to work on establishing its own space station, as it prevented its participation in space research and prohibited cooperation in space exploration.

In the past months, 15 years The core module of the space station, which will serve throughout, was launched into space. Next Tianzhou-2China, which integrates the . Now, China has said that it is ready to cooperate with all countries that are members of the UN.

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The US Vice President announced that the US will no longer conduct anti-satellite tests and expects the same decision from other countries.

China Space Station will be open to all UN member states

Tiangong Space StationChina, which implemented the first international cooperation program in Turkey, plans to continue this experiment until the end of the year. Spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbinuntil now 9 projects from 23 organizations from 17 countries He said he was chosen to run at the station.

At the meeting, Wang told China’s space station foreign astronauts He was also asked whether he would attend. On top of that, Wang stated that exploring the unknown universe and developing space technology is the common goal of humanity and that it cannot be achieved without the cooperation of other countries.

China adhering to the principle of peaceful and mutually beneficial use France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Pakistanas well as all of the station to United Nations member states He stressed that it was open. United Nations Office of Space Affairs (UNOOSA) director Simonetta DiPippoHe said that China’s opening of its station is a good example for developing international cooperation.

of the Chinese Space Station chief designer assistant Bai Linhou In an interview on the subject, he stated that the station is inclusive and that foreign astronauts can adapt. When Bai enters the Tiangong operational stage, for foreign astronauts to enter the Chinese station two ways Said it would be. The first will be by Chinese spacecraft and the second by their own spacecraft with a docking interface suitable for Tiangong.

So, what do you think about this subject? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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