The Centipede with the Most Legs Discovered

Scientists announced that a 1,306-legged centipede was discovered in Australia. It was stated that this animal is the centipede with the most legs ever discovered.

with an arthropod centipedes, has been on our planet for over 400 million years and is among the oldest invertebrates. This species, which many people find ‘scary’, also attracts the attention of many scientists with its interesting anatomy. A new study also announces that it has broken new ground by sharing a new discovery about these animals with the whole world.

According to research published today in the academic journal Scientific Reports 1,306 legs A centipede was discovered. According to experts, this discovery is quite important; because none of the centipedes ever discovered had this many legs.

The creature was named ‘Eumillipes Persephone’

First of all, the name of this species in Latin is ‘thousand feet’, ‘thousand feetWe should point out that. However, among the centipedes discovered so far, the most legs are with 750 legs. Illacme Plipes was of the type. That changed with a new study published today, and for the first time a centipede has given its Latin name.

Scientists call this new species discovered, ‘really a thousand feetBy combining the word ‘Eumillipes’ meaning ‘ and ‘Persephone’, the name of a Greek goddess, ‘Eumillipes Persephone‘ he named it. According to the statements, this creature was found 60 meters underground in the Eastern Goldfields State of Australia.

According to the reviews, Eumillipes Persephone has close to 330 segments in her body. This creature, which has 1,306 legs; It also included a cone-shaped head, antennae, beak, but no eyes. Researchers conducting the study also used the following statements about their discoveries:Centipedes, one of the oldest animals to breathe atmospheric oxygen, have been living on our planet for 400 million years. E.Persephone we discovered centipede with the most legs We share it with the whole world with our research.

Can play an important role in protecting the species


The research team thinks that E.Persephone is distantly related to the 750-legged species Illacme Plenenes. In addition, the species has a cream-colored exoskeleton, so many legs in the ground. faster and more effective It is stated that he has the ability to move.


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According to scientists, there is still much unknown about E. Persephone, such as what they feed on and where they are found. That’s why more research needs to be done. In addition, it is stated by experts that such a discovery in the region may play an important role in protecting these creatures in the future.

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