The Absurd Story of Calling Russian Salad an American Salad

Did you know that Russian salad, one of the indispensable tastes of the tables, which we all know and which we see in restaurants and markets, and which is very practical to prepare at home, changed its name after succumbing to politics in the past, and even today its name has not been fully established?

Since our country was not in a position to bear a new war unless it was necessary, in the years when the newly established republic was going through a difficult period. II. World War II and the Cold War Era He followed most of them with an impartial attitude.

Towards the end of the process, the government of the period started to follow a pro-American and anti-Soviet policy due to both Marshall aids and mutual interests, and the effects of this were clearly seen in the public. OK then Russian salad Will he get his share from this situation?

The name of this amazing flavor, which became famous in Moscow with a secret recipe and spread to the world, was not actually Russian salad!

Lucien Olivier and his salad

Prepared by a special blending of various vegetables, especially potatoes, carrots and peas, with mayonnaise and originally referred to as Russian salad in our language. olive saladIt was discovered at the Hermitage Restaurant in Moscow in 1860.

Belgian and French descent Russian chef Lucien Olivier Discovered by , this salad has attracted a lot of attention since the first day it was presented to customers. Naturally, the name of this salad was named Olivye salad, after the name of the chef. Although the recipe for the salad was kept a secret as long as Olivier was alive, the recipe quickly spread after his death.

Known as Olivye salad in Russia, especially in Moscow, this appetizer was marketed to the world with different names.

Hermitage Restaurant

As a result of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917, Russian citizens took refuge in our country and the refugees opened restaurants especially in Istanbul. Of course, there was also the Olivye salad, which ravaged Russia, in these restaurants. because it only comes across in Russian restaurants The name was soon changed to Russian Salad.

In fact, almost every country except Russia, Germany and Brazil Russian salad he was saying. In other words, there was no political message in the use of the word “Russian” in this salad in our country. At least for now…

When the commercial maneuver of a ship from America and a Greek origin tradesman spread among the tradesmen in a short time, we met with American salad.


In 1946, for an essential reason American battleship Missouriwill visit our country. It was a big event that Missouri came to our country at that time. “Welcome Missouri” posters are hung in various parts of Istanbul, especially the Maiden’s Tower, roads are cleaned, paints are whitewashed, artisans tidy themselves up.

research writer According to Orhan Karaveli’s writings The story will continue like this:

One day before Missouri’s arrival, Niko, the Greek-origin tradesman, who runs the Levent Buffet opposite Galatasaray High School, said that “Russian salad 25 centssign “”American salad 35 centschanges to ”. The next day, when Karaveli asked Niko the reason for this change, Niko said, “Have you not seen that ship yet? Russian salad is now dead. Long live the American salad from now on!” gets the answer.

This change of Niko quickly spread among all tradesmen and in Istanbul instead of Russian salad for Olivye salad American salad name is used.

The Russian & American salad war gains such a serious dimension that the shopkeepers who write Russian salad are subject to sanctions,


Hüseyin Çelik, who served as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of National Education in the past years, stated that tradesmen who did not change the name of Russian salad to American salad during the Cold War were detained and even insistently continued to write Russian salad. shopkeepers’ shops are closed had mentioned. In the past, people who persistently used the name Russian salad were seen as a potential Communist threat.

Today, in the past traces of the political situation will be erased so that The common name used for olive salad in our country is Russian salad. There is no such thing as an American salad anywhere else in the world.

Bonus: The Russian salad, which was on the menu at the NATO meeting in Spain, was later changed to the Ukrainian Salad.


The name of the Russian salad (Ensaladila Rusa) on the menu offered to the guests at the NATO summit, upon the reactions, traditional salad (Ensaladila Tradicional). It was also served as a “Ukrainian salad” by adding meatballs to the Russian salad.

what about your Russian salad What is your favorite vegetable to add to it?

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