Thanks to the Apple Watch, pregnancy detection may be possible!

Apple Watch; heart rhythm monitoring, menstrual cycle tracking, oximetry and many other health services. Thanks to the ECG application, smart watches can also record the symptoms by monitoring the heartbeat rhythm. The wearable technology product managed to break new ground thanks to this sensitive feature. The Apple Watch allowed a Reddit user to know that she was pregnant by monitoring her heart rhythm. So how was this possible? Can pregnancy be understood thanks to the Apple Watch? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Apple Watch can be a good tool for detecting pregnancy!

A Reddit user with an Apple Watch shared a story about how his watch helped detect his pregnancy. According to the social media user’s post, the Apple Watch detected a higher heart rate in a normal time.

Apple Watch menstrual cycle tracking feature

The woman who shared the situation on Reddit continued the story as follows:

“I am 34, it was higher than my normal resting heart rate. Usually my resting heart rate is around 57 and my heart rate has increased to 72. I thought I had Covid or a cold no I took my temperature and it was normal. I read that sometimes this happens in early pregnancy and the test comes back positive instantly.

Is it possible to use the Apple Watch underwater

Is it possible to use the Apple Watch underwater

A swimmer explained that he can use his Apple Watch Ultra under water without any problems thanks to the AssistiveTouch feature.

The woman, who took a pregnancy test on what she read, got a positive result. He shared on Reddit that this is thanks to the Apple Watch. Additionally, she stated that technology is crazy and she loves her watch.

As a result, it may make sense to take a pregnancy test based on the Apple Watch’s menstrual cycle and heart rhythm monitoring features. In this way, the detection of pregnancy is faster.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Apple Watch is enough to help detect pregnancy by simply monitoring heart rhythm? You can express your thoughts in the Comments section.

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