Tesla autopilot is being tested with real kids!

electric car giant Teslafor a while autonomous driving system in danger because of it. Although the Full Self-Driving (FSD) system is said to be reliable, experts believe it invites accidents. One Tesla owner used his 11-year-old to try autopilot.

Video testing Tesla autopilot with child removed from YouTube

Carmine Cupani a named Tesla Model S Plaid The owner is at the center of criticism with the experiment video he uploaded to YouTube. He tested the company’s autopilot, called FSD, on his 11-year-old child. During the video up to 56 km/h Cupani said the FSD passed the test.

The Model S Plaid owner, who recorded the video with a smartphone behind the wheel, said the Tesla FSD braked smoothly and had no trouble spotting his 11-year-old son. A less advanced test similar to Carmine Cupani Tesla driver assistance software with and got the same result.


finds Carmine Cupani’s experiment dangerous YouTube the video has been removed. Although it can be watched on different channels, it appears suspended on Cupani’s own channel. Speaking about YouTube’s removal of the video, Cupani said, “I’m sure my child didn’t have an accident. I am an expert in professional driving instructors,” he said.

Although the FSD tests were successful, even government agencies do not trust Tesla. California DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) said the name “full self-driving” was misleading and that Tesla could suspend its license to sell vehicles.

Also, another experiment that previously tested the safety of the Tesla autopilot claimed that the vehicle flew over child dummies. Elon Musk, on the other hand, opposed this experiment, saying it was a “hoax”.

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