Teemo CTs in LoL, Strengths Weaknesses, All Talents

Teemo, a cute individual of the Yordle race of League of Legends, appears before us in a fully equipped manner ready for duty. Don’t be fooled by its cheerful and fluffy appearance. He can often be one of the most troublesome characters in the top lane.

Being invisible, able to blind or poisoning or around exploding mushroom with all kinds of annoying moves like Teemo he can literally poison the game to his opponent.

A legend among the yordle brothers in Bandle City, and strangely enough to enter every corridor of the game. adaptive For Teemo, we can’t technically say ‘This is the lane where he’s really the best’. If you believe, you can play Teemo anywhere. How much functional It is debatable what will happen or your team’s reaction to it, but as we said, it is possible.

Teemo cts that can knock out Lol Champion Teemo:

  • quinn
  • rumble
  • Akshan
  • Tahm Kench
  • volibear

Teemo can quickly become invisible and plant mushrooms. When playing against Teemo, wait for him to annoy you as much as possible. Teemo may not participate in team fights as he is not very good at team fights. Therefore, you can also use the team advantage against Teemo.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the agile tracker Teemo?

Teemo's strengths and weaknesses

Teemo’s strengths:

  • Being able to play a dominant game against many characters in the top lane thanks to its strengths such as poison, blinding, range.
  • Thanks to the mushrooms that he can put as totems, he has both map dominance and the ability to slow down the enemy and escape in possible raids thanks to the explosion of the mushrooms.
  • Ability to perform sudden attacks with the correct use of the invisibility passive in the late stages of the game

Teemo’s weaknesses:

  • Mushrooms that explode and slow down the enemy can easily get into trouble in the lane, as this is the character’s only crowd control.
  • Although mostly played in the top lane, it is weak in functionality compared to other top lane characters.
  • Incoming raids in the early phase can knock Teemo way back in the lane, especially if you haven’t reached level 6 yet.

All of Teemo’s abilities, which can be invisible:

All of Teemo's abilities

  • Passive / Evade Combat: If Teemo stays where he is and does nothing for a short while, he becomes invisible for an indefinite period of time. While moving through the bush, Teemo can also become invisible and walk around without breaking his invisibility. After Teemo breaks out of stealth, he gains the Confused Bonus and increases his attack speed for a few seconds.
  • Q / Blinding Dart: Deals damage to the target with a powerful poison that affects the opponent’s vision and blinds the target for the duration of the effect.
  • W/Serial Step: Teemo starts to run and if an enemy champion or turret attacks, Teemo passively increases his movement speed until he is struck. Teemo can sprint to gain an additional movement speed bonus that he won’t lose even if he is briefly hit.
  • E / Toxic Shot: Each of Teemo’s attacks poisons the target, dealing damage on hit and for the next 4 seconds.
  • R / Dangerous Trap: Teemo shoots an explosive toadstool using one of the mushrooms he has hidden in his bag. If one of the opponents steps on the trap; A cloud of poison is released from the trap, slowing enemies and causing them to take damage. If Teemo throws a mushroom on another mushroom on the ground, the mushroom he threw will bounce, gaining bonus range.

How to play Teemo in LoL?

Tips for playing Teemo

  • It is very important that you play carefully up to lvl 6. After your ultimate is unlocked, you can play more comfortably as your map dominance and crowd control will increase.
  • Your range is your strongest weapon. Use your range well and annoy your opponent all the time, as every attack will be poisoned by your E ability.
  • Teemo becomes quite powerful late in the game. With the right contraction items, you can have the potential to destroy any character in the late stage.
  • Teemo is very skilled in map control thanks to his ultimate ability, after the lane phases in the game are over, regularly mushrooming the map will give your team a very high control over the map.
  • However, if your mushrooms are insufficient during raids, you can seek the last resort by entering the grass and becoming invisible. If you enter the grass before the enemy and quickly become invisible, you will have a chance to escape, if at all.

How to play against Teemo?

Getting off to a defensive start is a good way to tackle Teemo, who is a bustling champion, right from the start. Teemo will place his mushrooms on the aisle side. Therefore, avoid walking along the aisle. Unsuccessful in team fights, Teemo may split by aiming in the side lanes. Make sure someone can prevent it from splitting.

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