Technologies That Make Life Easier on European Streets

In the century we live in, technology is truly developing at an uncontrollable pace. But the real trick is to adapt it to daily life. Europe, on the other hand, has many practices that can be taken as examples in this regard.

In countries that have been able to push aside economic problems to some extent and where the understanding of social state is strong, using up-to-date technology make people’s lives easier Studies can be carried out on behalf of

Even though it’s not like that for us global warming And environmental pollution problems such as main agenda. Here is what we see on the streets of Europe, “I wish we had it too!” We have compiled the technologies we mentioned for you:

1. Germany knows very well how to motivate people to recycle: Pfandautomat

Germany, which has remarkable studies on recycling and waste production, bottle waste It hosts pet bottle vending machines to increase the motivation of consumers in recycling.

With vending machines that you can generally see in supermarket chains, you can put your aluminum, plastic and glass bottle waste into the vending machine and receive a coupon or a coupon that you can spend at the market in return. cash Money you can receive. By collecting waste bottles in this way surviving Let’s not go without adding that there are many people.


For those wondering how much you paid, the amount of money you can get in return for the recyclable bottles you put into the machine is as follows:

  • Mineral water (glass or PET): 15 cents
  • Juice or soft drink bottles: 15 cents
  • 1.0-litre wine bottles: 2 or 3 cents
  • Disposable bottles and cans: 25 cents

2. The Netherlands raises the bar with free sunscreen distribution points on hot summer days.


The Dutch government, drawing attention to the danger of skin cancer with the application it started with the sunscreen manufacturer, said,cares about the health of its citizens and visitors” emphasizing more than a hundred free opened its sunscreen distribution point this summer.

For example, they collaborated with a hospital, a health insurance company and several municipalities to install sunscreen machines in approximately 120 primary schools. Like this kids can be protected from the sun. It is aimed to launch the same application in many European countries.

3. This vending machine can make life easier for many people who have to buy new lenses every month.


From the vending machine at the central bus station in Vilnius, Lithuania. according to your eye number You can choose the lens and pay easily. It is possible to find the same vending machines in Berlin.

4. Smart trash cans both save time and support recycling.

european technology

In some European cities, trash cans have become the “smart” helpers of the city. These special garbage bins collect the garbage accumulated inside them. automatically can compress. So it takes in more garbage and doesn’t overflow as often. For example, while 3 bags of garbage fit into a traditional garbage bin, these “smart” boxes can easily hold 6-8 bags of garbage.

In addition, some of them can be used when their capacity is reached. Can send messages to city officials. So the garbage men come just in time to empty the box. Both people are cleaned around the garbage can without seeing mountains of garbage, and the workers do not waste time.

Although we cannot say that it is very common yet, barcelona, Paris, London known for its interest in sustainability in big cities such as in Scandinavian countries It is possible to come across these smart garbage bins. In many different cities, the project is in the testing phase in pilot regions.

5. Underwater bike park in the Netherlands

dutch bike

The underwater bicycle park in Amsterdam can park 7 thousand bicycles. Moreover, the first 24 hours are free. In order for such a thing to be possible in our country, first of all, the use of bicycles should become widespread, and in order for it to become widespread, Proper construction of bicycle paths Of course it is necessary.

6. Free clean water points save lives, especially in summer.

european water

While traveling in Europe, especially in big cities, you can often encounter people at the tap. No, these people don’t wash their hands there; they are drinking water! In many cities in Europe, people can fill their water bottles or simply quench their thirst. free There are water drinking points.

These points are designed to reduce plastic waste and provide food for tourists or their own people. access to clean water was established to provide Especially on hot summer days, these water points can be truly lifesaving.

In fact, it is possible to see fountains in our country, sometimes historical and sometimes newly built. Unfortunately, this practice is not particularly common in big cities. as in Europe widespread It’s not an app.

BONUS: Food vending machines that we saw in Turkey and wished were available in all countries around the world where they are needed.

food vending machine

As you can guess, the food vending machine, also known as mamamatik, which we can find in cities such as Istanbul, Antalya and Balıkesir, was developed to feed stray animals. Although these vending machines vary from vending machine to vending machine, they are sometimes made of glass, metal or in exchange for plastic bottles Sometimes they give you food in exchange for money.

Especially to children recycle, animal love And responsibility This beautiful vending machine project, which was implemented for the purpose of raising money, does not leave stray animals homeless.

In summary, the streets of Europe have had enough of technology. There are numerous projects that are still in the planning stage and that have been started to be tested at pilot points. I hope we will start to see such projects more frequently in our country in the near future.


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