Tax increased for cargo from abroad!

In the Official Gazette published today, it was announced that some articles of the customs law numbered 4458 were amended. According to the changes, customs duty was increased by 10 percent for mail or cargo from countries outside the European Union.

The fixed customs duty to be charged on goods that do not have a commercial quantity and nature and whose value does not exceed 150 Euros has been increased by 10 percent. According to the presidential decision, 18 percent customs tax will be charged for mail or cargo from European Union countries.

10% hike in customs duty

If the goods come from other countries, the specific tax to be paid has been increased from 20 percent to 30 percent. In addition, if the goods are included in the list IV attached to the SCT law, an additional 20 percent tax will be added and a fee will be collected.

According to the amendment, products that do not exceed the wage limit must not exceed the gross 30 kg limit. With the new decision, drugs not exceeding 1,500 euros were also included in the list.

The fixed customs duty to be applied for printed publications that come to real persons by mail and cargo and whose value does not exceed 1,500 euros, which do not have a commercial value or nature, will be zero. The exception, which covers books and similar printed publications, will not apply to commercial establishments.

The fixed tax applied to natural persons on the value of goods that come to legal entities and whose value does not exceed 22 euros will be valid. Passengers will pay a fixed tax for goods whose value does not exceed 1,500 euros, excluding cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and food products.

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