Survey for .eth Domain Names by Vitalik Buterin: How Much Should It Cost for 100 Years?

Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, asked his followers about the fair value of 100 years of ownership of a 5-letter .eth domain name.

Vitalik Buterin’s September 4 of a 5-letter .eth domain name on social media 100 years on the fair price of ownership his survey it ended. The vast majority of their followers pay for 100 years of a 5-letter .eth domain name. less than $100 claimed it should.

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) As the domain names offered within the framework of the project became popular, investors started to increase their activities in this field. Especially paradigm.eth and 000.eth domain names sold for high amounts, such as these, make investors hungry in this area.

91,130 In the survey in which the person participated, Vitalik 4 different offered options, respectively;

  • one hundred under the dollar 49.8%
  • 100-999 between dollars 18.4%
  • 1,000-9,999 between dollars 12.8%
  • 10,000 dollars or more 18.9%

got the votes.

Some participants voted unnecessary that people always to get high returns most economical He said he would choose that option. Also, the domain name speculative out of motion realistic of a return not users claiming as cheap as possible stated that it should.

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