Stocking Inspection in 81 Provinces by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance

Treasury and Finance Ministry inspectors and revenue experts launched a comprehensive audit in 81 provinces. In these inspections, people who stockpile and sell products at exorbitant prices are detected. The aim is to rein in inflation, which is increasing day by day.

Ministry of Treasury and Finance, in 81 provinces started a new audit. Authorities are in pursuit of stockists and sellers who apply exorbitant prices during this audit. According to the information obtained until the end of Ramadan With the ongoing inspections, it is aimed to bring inflation under control, albeit partially. Revenue experts and inspectors will also participate in the audits.

According to the information obtained from the sources, the audits of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance are firstly car showroom with food storage in cold storage has started. However, the studies to be carried out will not consist of these two sectors. Authorities all over Turkey, regardless of sector stockists and people selling products at exorbitant prices Will try to detect it.

150 teams inspect in Ankara

According to the news of Dünya, the inspections are carried out in a different way than before. This time, the teams with fewer officials they are trying to reach more workplaces. In fact, it is stated that around 150 teams are actively working in Ankara and they have started to enter every workplace they find. These teams consist of an inspector and an expert. Previous inspections were carried out with at least 4 people. The authorities used via tablets They process the data into the system by keeping a record.


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According to the statements made, the said inspections, Article 127 of the Tax Procedure Law carried out with the “polling” authority. During these inspections, document arrangements, whether there are unpaid goods and payment recording devices are checked. irregularity when detected necessary is being done.

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