Spinal Cord Instant Imaging Technique Developed

A technique has been developed to image the spinal cord in real time and in high resolution. This technique can help individuals with chronic back pain regain their health.

A group of scientists who continue their studies at the University of California, “functional ultrasound imaging” (FUSIThey developed a new surgical imaging technique called . This technique; surgeons, spinal cord real time and high definition provides viewing opportunity. Scientists think that people, especially people suffering from chronic back pain, can recover thanks to this method.

Conventional imaging methods do not detect tumors occurring in the spinal cord. 2 centimeters They detect changes in blood flow. The new technology called fUSI reaches this level reduces it to less than 1 millimeter. This is very important because experts will be able to instantly measure the effect of the treatment they apply on the spinal cord. In this way, it will be possible to understand immediately whether the treatment method or even an operation is working.

Initial tests showed that the new technology works

Vasileios Christopoulos, one of the people who continued the project, said that this new technology It was tested on 6 patients and declared that it worked. The scientist said that these patients have been struggling with back pain for a very long time and that they are now undergoing surgery as a last resort. Here, help was received from fUSI during the surgery. Spinal cord, viewed instantly and whether the surgery was effective was monitored.


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According to Vasileios Christopoulos, surgeries related to chronic back pain are generally 50 percent They have a success rate. According to the scientist, this rate will increase significantly with the fUSI technique. Considering that research has shown that millions of individuals suffer from chronic back pain, the new technique will help these people get better and better. a pain free life Seems like it might help them drive.

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