“Smiling” SHIB and Dogecoin Tweet from Elon Musk!

The richest person in the world, Elon Musk, commented on the famous US Edward Snowden and Reuters reporter Joel Schectman’s Twitter correspondence, which also mentioned Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Tesla CEO responded with a laughing emoji to a tweet that shared a screenshot of this correspondence.

Edward Snowden criticizes Dogecoin and SHIB

cryptocoin.com As we reported, over the weekend, Edward Snowden, former adviser to the US National Security Agency, posted a tweet that also referred to Dogecoin against the Shiba Inu craze. He believes SHIB is unlikely to make its investors rich. Because he says investors are putting money into a “dog money clone”, not just “dog money” to them. In another tweet in this thread that people don’t care what they buy; but he didn’t feel right about it, he said. He compared SHIB to lottery tickets and insisted that people should never borrow money to buy them.

Reuters journalist Joel Schectman asked Snowden to explain what he meant by “dog money.” Snowden said that if the person asking the question was already unaware of the dog money, it was “better that he really didn’t know.” These two tweets received a “smile” from Elon Musk. At the time of writing, SHIB and DOGE are trading at $0.00007253 and $0.273541 respectively. SHIB rose 15.9 percent and DOGE rose 5.4 percent.

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