Shock to Apple: iPhone will pay compensation for charger problem!

With the iPhone 12 series, Apple started to remove the charger from the boxes. Although the technology giant stated that it took this decision to protect the environment, it was noteworthy that it made a profit of 6.5 billion dollars after starting to implement it.

Brazil fined Apple $2 million because removing a charger from the box violated Consumer Rights. A consumer who bought a new iPhone sued Apple for removing the charger from the box. The judge ordered Apple to pay $1,000 in damages for not putting a charger in the iPhone box. He explained that the reason was that he violated consumer laws by removing the charger from the box.

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Apple may review the charging status!

According to the decision of Judge Vanderlei Caires Pinheiro of the Brazilian Civil Court, Apple will pay 5,000 Brazilian Reais ($1,082) to the person who sued for not adding a charger to the iPhone box. The judge thinks iPhone sales are invisible as smartphones won’t work without a charger.

Apple explained that adding a charger to the boxes harms the environment because it takes up space in the boxes and is found in many consumers. However, this decision of the technology giant is highly criticized by many consumers. Because many iPhone buyers think that this decision is made by the company to save money.

The fact that the case is with a single person for now is not a problem for Apple. But if iPhone users similarly sue the company, Apple may reconsider its decision not to pay damages.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think other people will sue tech giant Apple for the same reason? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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