Search Engine Will Come to ChatGPT! – Webtekno

It was claimed that OpenAI was working to bring a search engine to ChatGPT. Although the details are not disclosed, this claim reveals that OpenAI will rival Google.

OpenAI, one of the leading names in the artificial intelligence industry, has been search engine is on the agenda with. As Webtekno, we have already conveyed to you some claims on the subject, but we could not find any concrete information. A new news from Bloomberg on the subject states that OpenAI is indeed affiliated with Google. can be a rival It makes you think.

Based on sources familiar with the subject According to the news, OpenAI is indeed continuing to work on a system similar to the search engine. The system to be integrated into ChatGPT will provide ChatGPT responses related to the user’s input as well as web results will also present.

It is unclear when it will be available

When will ChatGPT’s search engine feature be available? not sure. However, considering the fact that OpenAI’s competitors are in a very rapid development process, this feature Very soon We can say that it can be added to the chat bot.


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What we can say about the search engine feature that OpenAI is allegedly working on that’s all for now. We will inform you again if there are any new developments regarding the issue.

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